Friends Of Basketball



Ackley, Jim (1990)

Adams, Jimmy Lee (2012)

Adams, Mike (2010)

Adams, Steve (1995)

Ainsworth, Dan (1994)

Alberson, Kenneth (2008)

Alderson, Bill (2004)

Alexander, Gene (1993)

Allen, F. Merritt (1976)

Alley, Sue (2001)

Alsman, Phil (1997)

Anderson, Dallis (2023)

Anderson, George (2018)

Anderson, Glen (1981)

Anderson, Harry F. (1976)

Andrews, Don (2006)

Andrews, George (1994)

Angle, Wayne (2011)

Ankenbrand, Larry (2008)

Anthony, Charlie (1992)

Arbeiter, George (1985)

Armstrong, Dale and Esther (1996)

Armstrong, Tom (1992)

Arneson, Ken (2017)

Arnold, Darrell “Eddie” (2015)

Ashton, Jac (1990)

Asp, William (1977)

Astroth, Lavere (1983)

Atkinson, Dell (2010)

Auten, Dick and Lucille (2013)

Ayers, Kent (2004)


Baffes, Bill (1985)

Bailey, George (2012)

Bailey, Larry (2013)

Baker, Lee (1988)

Baker, Taft (1993)

Baldwin, Dr. J.T. (1975)

Bamonti, Augie (1981)

Bandy, Jim (2016)

Bannon, Jim (1998)

Barnard, Virginia (1994)

Barnhart, Ken (1990)

Bartley, John (1987)

Bates, Joe (2013)

Bates, Paul (2018)

Bauer, Arch (2006)

Baumann, Bill (2016)

Baznik, Jay (1994)

Beavers, Bob (2002)

Beckemeyer, Bill (2005)

Becker, Kurt (2013)

Benedetto, Lawrence (1976)

Bennett, Hendry (2019)

Benson, Harley (1990)

Benson, Leo (1994)

Berggren, George (1991)

Bergschneider, Gene (2002)

Berry, Lynn (1996)

Berry, Millard (1975)

Biggs, Harold (1986)

Billinger, Ronald (2005)

Black, Dick (1980)

Black, Dick & Elaine (1990)

Black, Forrest (1993)

Blanchfield, Frank (1995)

Bland, John (1985)

Blank, Joe (1992)

Block, Bill and Judy (2018)

Bone, James (1989)

Bonner, Sue (2012)

Booky, Kevin (2011)

Boone, Dr. Robert (2002)

Border,  Glen (2002)

Boros, Nancy (2009)

Bosman, George (2019)

Bouzeos, Phillip (1984)

Bowen, Harold (1998)

Bower, Harold (1981)

Bowker, Gary Sr. (2024)

Bowsher, Sam (2009)

Boyle, Bruce (2009)

Bradle, Ed (1999)

Brandt, Marion (1997)

Bremberg, Charlene (1994)

Brenner, Frances (1988)

Brewer, Dr. Thomas (1993)

Bricker, George (1993)

Bridgewater, Mike (2018)

Brongiel, Geri (2013)

Brooks, Harry (1994)

Brown, Bob (2009)

Brown, Brett (1990)

Brown, David (2017)

Brown, Francis (1994)

Brown, Herb (1997)

Brown, Mike (2008)

Brown, Willie (2012)

Brunner, Chuck (2008)

Brunner, Leroy (1991)

Bryant, Fred and Maureen (1987)

Bryant, Steve and Jeanine (2016)

Bryson, John and Ann (1986)

Buck, Gary (2017)

Buckley, Bill (1999)

Buente, Jack (2018)

Buhr, Jim (2005)

Bumbales, Dr. Nicholas (2011)

Bundy, Ola (1993)

Burdick, Ron (2015)

Burgess, Denzell and Virginia (1977)

Burgett, Margie (1992)

Burkart, Bob (2008)

Burke, James (2019)

Burks, Dale (1997)

Burrell, Dave (2020)

Burzynski Family (2017)

Busa, Steven (2015)

Butler, Larry (2024)

Byrd, Ed (2004)

Byron, Jim (1989)


Dandridge, Julie (2007)

Dankowski, Mary (2015)

Daugherty, Dennis (2002)

Davis, Bob (1995)

Davis, Herbert (1977)

Dawson, Dorothy (2003)

Day, Gayle (1992)

Dearing, Roland and Lois (1993)

Deibert, Tim and Jodi (2016)

Delancy, Frances (1999)

Delawder, David (2003)

DeMarco, George (2005)

Demichelis, Anton (1995)

Denzel, Ken (2000)

Depasquale, Thomas (1999)

Derrico, Jerry (1999)

DeRubeis, Steve (2024)

Devlin, Harry (1987)

Dicenso, Albert (1998)

Dickey, Darrell (2001)

Dillard, Neil (1995)

Dion, Joe (2020)

Dively, John (1999)

Dodd, Gene (2024)

Doggett, George (1988)

Dominic, Thomas (1996)

Dowling, John (1987)

Drengwitz, James (2016)

Driscoll Catholic Pair (Chet Wiermanski and Bob Crowe) (1994)

Drust, Ben (1991)

Dubis, Rudy (1998)

Duffy, Martin (2016)

Dugan, Dan (2000)

Duncan, Royal (2004)

Dunseth, Jim (1989)

Dye, Jack (2015)


Haab, Robert (2007)

Hacker, Jeff (2016)

Haddick, Don (1996)

Hahn, Dick (2004)

Haiunes, Art (2005)

Hake, Lester (1998)

Hamby, Randall and Eloise (1993)

Hammer, Donn (2011)

Hammond, Earl (1991)

Hampsmire, Floyd (1982)

Hampton, Ron (2007)

Hanks, Bill (2019)

Hannin, Harry (1974)

Hanning, Ellie (1998)

Hansen, Bob (2005)

Hardy, Jack (1999)

Harman, Les (1985)

Harris, Forrest (1997)

Harrison, Michael (2012)

Harte, William (2006)

Hartke, Howard (2007)

Haycraft, George (2023)

Hayes, Ed (1991)

Hecathorn, Rick (2005)

Heckert, Steve (2005)

Heese, Mark (1992)

Held, Ed (2002)

Held, Raymond (2002)

Hellenthal, Mike (2021)

Helton, Jack (1993)

Herbig, Donald (1986)

Herndon, Sam (1991)

Herrin, Dr. Roger (2009)

Herrin, Homer (1974)

Herzog, Paul (2016)

Hickey, John (1983)

Hill, Bruce (2012)

Hill, Jack (1978)

Hillard-Sembell, Dr. Diane (2024)

Hilst, Darrell (1995)

Hilton, Tom “Bucky” (2020)

Hise, Jerry (2013)

Hlavek, Richard (2002)

Hoelscher, Steve (2010)

Hoenes, Charles (1989)

Hoerr, Mr. and Mrs. Ray (1982)

Hoffmann, Ray (1999)

Hollis, Edgar (1988)

Horsman, Tom (2005)

Horst, Dr. Charles (1994)

Hoskins, Wendy (2006)

Hough, Stephen (2002)

Houma, Mike (1986)

Hughes, Elmer (1997)

Hughes, Jean (1993)

Hughes, Robert (2006)

Huizinga, Ken (2019)

Hulka, Frank (1987)

Hull, Meredith (1982)

Hulvey, Dean (1993)

Hunte, Larry (2019)

Hunter, Jack (2004)

Hutton, Steve (2016)

Hutchings, Denny (2000)

Hyde, William C. (1993)

Hyman, Stuart (2007)

Hynes, Kathy (2018)

Lachel, Harold (2002)

Ladas, Nick (2021)

Laffee, Dan (2010)

Lagow, Del and Carol (1997)

Laible, Howard (1981)

Laity, Jim (1992)

Lamkey, Bill (2015)

Landon, Francis and Louell (1976)

Lanning, Dale (2023)

Laughlin, Lynn (2008)

Lawrence, George and Babe (1993)

Lay, Bill (2024)

Layne, Linda (2004)

Leary, Glenn (1999)

Lee, Jimmy (1973)

Leinicke, Ralph (1997)

Leonard, Ken (2018)

Leseure, Irene and Diane (1993)

Lessman, Steve (2022)

Leu, Bob (1980)

Lewis, John (2006)

Liesman, Dorothy (1989)

Linder, Howard (1986)

Logan, John (2018)

Lohr, Charles and Helen (1992)

Loomis, Larry (2005)

Loos, Larry (2009)

Lopez, Joe (2004)

Lord, Kay (1998)

Losey, Maurice (1987)

Love, Dorothy (2000)

Lowder, Robin (2023)

Lueder, Robert (1982)

Lumpp, Raymond (1999)

Lux, Robert (1990)

Lyle, Tom (2013)

Lyles, John (2002)

Lyons, Jay (2019)


Mabry, Laurie (2017)

Machiorletti, Vince (1975)

Macisaac, Doug and Kathie (1981)

Madison, Al (2006)

Maher, Dennis (2016)

Maher, RIchard (2003)

Malher, Elda (1995)

Mahler, Helen (1995)

Malaker, Larry (2006)

Mallory, Bob (2020)

Malnar, Joseph (1979)

Manes, Eugene (1979)

Manoyan, Dan (2013)

Marsaglia, Jeff (2024)

Marshall, Kathryn (1988)

Marten, Bill (2015)

Martin, Reid (1981)

Martinie, William (1986)

Mason, George (1983)

Maurer, John (1994)

May, Dr. Edward (2003)

Mayes, Henry (1986)

McBride, Joe (2003)

McCall, John (2012)

McCann, Kevin (2007)

McChristian, Jerry (2023)

McCormack, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet (1994)

McCullough, Glen (1997)

McGary, Charles (1974)

McGraw, Dave (1999)

McGraw, Rick and Dona (2007)

McInnis, Russ (1993)

McKean, Leonard (2004)

McKenzie, Robert (1997)

McKie, Tom (1973)

McMahon, Adron (2006)

McMillen, Merrill (2005)

McNamara, Jane (2024)

McRoy, Ron (2000)

Meagher, John (1976)

Meeker, Loren (2009)

Mefford, Art (1992)

Meiss, Ty (2024)

Meisner, Mike (2023)

Menkhaus, Fred (2007)

Menzietti, Fino (1984)

Merkle, Rodney (2011)

Meyer, Gevert (2007)

Meyer, Roland (2012)

Michael, Guy (2020)

Mietz, Ken and Margaret (1991)

Miller, Dorothy (1997)

Miller, George and Nina (1981)

Miller, Ken (1987)

Miller, Robert (1976)

Miller, Roger and Mary (2018)

Miller, William (1999)

Mills, Ed (1990)

Mitchell, David (2016)

Mitchell, Ed (2015)

Mitts, Steve and Sharon (2006)

Mizener, Jim (2012)

Moeckel, Bob (1993)

Moeller, Richard (1989)

Monforti, Tom (1974)

Moore, Donald (1993)

Moran, Frank (1978)

Morgan, Dr. Richard (2020)

Morris, Arthur (1974)

Morrisey, John (2003)

Moser, Dan (2023)

Moser, Gary (2013)

Moske, Jimmy (2018)

Motsinger, Virgil (1997)

Motzer, Bill (2004)

Mueller, Norman (1999)

Mueller, Tom (2023)

Murphy, Robert and Marian (1982)

Murray, Tony (2005)

Muselman, Dick (1997)

Musgrove, Don (2002)

O’Brien, Marilyn (2005)

O’Connor, Glen (2010)

Odle, Randy (2013)

Oldani, Jim (1978)

Olympia Fields Group (Kurth, Kloss, Proulzx, Pettengell) (1992)

Omer, Lewis (1975)

O’Rourke, Charles (1979)

O’Rourke, Jim and Marty (1997)

Orrison, Mike (2013)

Osborn, Clyde (1994)

Ostrom, Bob and Romelle (2002)

Ott, Bob (1998)

Ozaki, Sam (2011)




Samms, Bob (1998)

Sampson, Lowell (1994)

Sanders, Dr. Orland (1983)

Sanders, James and Nola (1993)

Santarelli, Frank (1985)

Saperstein, Abe (1973)

Sarff, Milford and Bernadine (1996)

Sarhage, Edward (2011)

Saurs, Bruce (1993)

Sauter, John (2006)

Sawosko, Walt (1998)

Scarcliff, Bud (1989)

Schaefer, Don (2010)

Schairer, Don (1997)

Schall, Norm (2017)

Schickedanz, Dennis (2005)

Schilling, Ron (2003)

Schmidt, Dr. Paul (1988)

Schmidt, Sr. Jean Dolores (2018)

Schoof, George (1998)

Schroen, Ron (2007)

Schuette, Ed and Jean (2003)

Schulte, Rodney (2010)

Schuttler, Michael (1999)

Schwab, Clarence (1994)

Schwander, James (2011)

Scott, Paul (1998)

Scranton, Bud (1989)

Sczepanski, Dave (2016)

Seiverling, Willis (2008)

Seymour, Darin (2023)

Seymour, Dill (1975)

Shaw, Steve (2008)

Sherwin, Tom (2016)

Shinkevich, Mick (1996)

Shonkwiler, Dee (2019)

Shover, John (1989)

Showalter, Frank and Dortha (1986)

Shumard, Darrell Ray (2019)

Shuster, Ed (1992)

Sievers, Art (1997)

Simmons, John William (1994)

Simons, Steve (2010)

Siracusa, Frank (1997)

Skjoldager, Allen (1994)

Skowronski, Mike (2024)

Slafkosky, George (1980)

Slivosky, Robert (1996)

Sloan, Don (1980)

Sloan, Jim (1995)

Sloboda, August (1983)

Small, Tina (1999)

Smargiassi, Donald (2004)

Smiley, Daryl (1996)

Smith, Betty (1988)

Smith, Bob (2012)

Smith, Claus and Berneda (1988)

Smith, Curtis (1990)

Smith, Dale (1974)

Smith, Don (1993)

Smith, Doug (2020)

Smith, Edward E. (2015)

Smith, Floyd (1978)

Smith, Irv (2004)

Smith, Jimmy (2000)

Smith, Kent (2004)

Smith, Lavisse (1998)

Smith, Leonard (1980)

Smith, Nelson (1979)

Smith, Rick (2006)

Snyder, Lyle (1992)

Sochowski, Tom (2024)

Soehlke, August (1975)

Soehlke, Jerry (2016)

(Soehlke) Lauenstein, Stacey (2023)

Sorenson, Robert (2014)

Spackman, Robert (1994)

Spagnolo, Joe (2010)

Sparhakel, Mildred (1995)

Spear, George (1992)

Spear, Jeff (2000)

Spear, Ken (2014)

Spear, Marty (2013)

Spenny, Bill (2008)

Sprowls, Bob (1994)

Sprunger, Milt (1973)

Spudich, Paul (1988)

St. John, Dave (2005)

Stagen, Don (2019)

Stancy, Walt (2005)

Stark, Shelley (2001)

Stegemeier, Bob (2020)

Stein, Cliff (1978)

Stephenitch, Joe (2011)

Stephenson, James (1985)

Stephey, Rick (2013)

Sterchi, Rhodell (1982)

Stewart, Mary (2005)

Stiegemeier, Del (2021)

Stienbarger, Phil (2002)

Stirrett, Dike (2005)

Stivers, Lou (1995)

Stockbar, John and Lillian (1977)

Stoll, Peter (2018)

Stonar, Azayrahu (2016)

Stovall, Don (2013)

Striedl, George (1994)

Striedl, Max Sr. (1992)

Stritzel, Gary (2004)

Stuckemeyer, Raymond (2005)

Sullivan, Robert (2002)

Sunderland, Judy (1991)

Sunderland, Ken (2004)

Sur, Mary (1996)

Sweeney, John (2002)

Symer, John (1978)


Ulrich, John (2002)

Umbles, Lee (1997)

Ummel, Kim (2023)

Uphoff, Gib (1989)

Urnikis, Mike (2005)