Friends Of Basketball

Ainsworth, Dan (1994)
Alberson, Kenneth (2008)
Alderson, Bill (2004)
Alexander, Gene (1993)
Alsman, Phil (1997)
Andrews, Don (2006)
Andrews, George (1994)
Ankenbrand, Larry (2008)
Anthony, Charlie (1992)
Armstrong, Dale and Esther (1996)
Armstrong, Tom (1992)
Arnold, Darrell “Eddie” (2015)
Auten, Dick and Lucille (2013)
Ayers, Kent (2004)
Baker, Taft (1993)
Bannon, Jim (1998)
Barnard, Virginia (1994)
Bauer, Arch (2006)
Baznik, Jay (1994)
Beckemeyer, Bill (2005)
Benson, Leo (1994)
Berry, Lynn (1996)
Billinger, Ronald (2005)
Black, Forrest (1993)
Blank, Joe (1992)
Boros, Nancy (2009)
Bowen, Harold (1998)
Bowsher, Sam (2009)
Boyle, Bruce (2009)
Bradle, Ed (1999)
Brandt, Marion (1997)
Bremberg, Charlene (1994)
Brewer, Dr. Thomas (1993)
Bricker, George (1993)
Brooks, Harry (1994)
Brown, Bob (2009)
Brown, Francis (1994)
Brown, Herb (1997)
Brown, Mike (2008)
Brunner, Chuck (2008)
Bryant, Fred and Maureen (1987)
Bryant, Steve and Jeanine (2016)
Buckley, Bill (1999)
Buhr, Jim (2005)
Bundy, Ola (1993)
Burgess, Denzell and Virginia (1977)
Burgett, Margie (1992)
Burkart, Bob (2008)
Burks, Dale (1997)
Byrd, Ed (2004)
Cameron, Judson (1999)
Cardinal, Rod (2003)
Carlisle, Norman (1998)
Carroll, R. Bruce (1993)
Charleston Pair (Jack Helton and Terry Noble) (1993)
Clark, Henry (2009)
Coers, Al (2003)
Colwell, Donald (1997)
Cooper, Robert (2005)
Coutts, Mr. and Mrs. Francis (1976)
Cox, Maury (2008)
Craig, Billie (1997)
Crowder, Gary (2005)
Crows, Charles (2006)
Dandridge, Julie (2007)
Dawson, Dorothy (2003)
Day, Gayle (1992)
Dearing, Roland and Lois (1993)
Delancy, Frances (1999)
Delawder, David (2003)
DeMarco, George (2005)
Depasquale, Thomas (1999)
Derrico, Jerry (1999)
Dicenso, Albert (1998)
Dively, John (1999)
Dominic, Thomas (1996)
Driscoll Catholic Pair (Chet Wiermanski and Bob Crowe) (1994)
Dubis, Rudy (1998)
Duncan, Royal (2004)
Eagan, Ron (1992)
Eagle, Bob and Fran (1992)
Eaves, Jeff (2009)
Ebeling, Richard (2007)
Edinger, Bill (1996)
Edmunds, Bob (2005)
Eertmoed, Charles (1994)
Elkins, Bailey and Gladys (1999)
Evans, Richard (1997)
Evers, John (1998)
Faber, Dan (2005)
Fagan, Cliff (1994)
Farrey, Bill (2004)
Fauth, Carl and Dorothy (1995)
Ferguson, Jeff (2007)
Ferraro, Sam and Lil (1999)
Fink, Moreland Jay (1994)
Finn, Joe (2006)
Fisher, George Howard (1993)
Ford, Steve (2003)
Fraase, Gary (2003)
Franklin, Larry (2003)
Frick, Harold (1992)
Garman, John (1993)
Gasper, Gene (1997)
Gellerman, Marc (1993)
Gellerman, Zalm (1992)
Ghidina, Gene (1998)
Gillette, Warren (2007)
Gingerich, Les (2007)
Glover, Dave (1998)
Goedert, George (1994)
Goins, Dr. Manul (1998)
Gonsiorowski, Marv (2004)
Gooding, Ed (1993)
Goodwin, Ron (2005)
Gordon, Dr. Douglas (2009)
Gorman, Kevin (1996)
Griesbaum, Joe (2007)
Haab, Robert (2007)
Haddick, Don (1996)
Hahn, Dick (2004)
Haiunes, Art (2005)
Hake, Lester (1998)
Hamby, Randall and Eloise (1993)
Hampton, Ron (2007)
Hanning, Ellie (1998)
Hansen, Bob (2005)
Hardy, Jack (1999)
Harris, Forrest (1997)
Harte, William (2006)
Hartke, Howard (2007)
Hecathorn, Rick (2005)
Heckert, Steve (2005)
Heese, Mark (1992)
Held, Raymond (2002)
Helton, Jack (1993)
Herrin, Dr. Roger (2009)
Hillard-Sembell, Dr. Diane (2024)
Hoerr, Mr. and Mrs. Ray (1982)
Hoffmann, Ray (1999)
Horsman, Tom (2005)
Horst, Dr. Charles (1994)
Hoskins, Wendy (2006)
Hughes, Elmer (1997)
Hughes, Jean (1993)
Hughes, Robert (2006)
Hunter, Jack (2004)
Hyde, William C. (1993)
Hyman, Stuart (2007)
Irvin, McGlother (2003)
Irvin, Roger (2007)
Jacobs, Augie and Theresa (1977)
Janes, Ron (2006)
Jensen, Neil and Betty (2003)
Jochums, Oliver (2009)
Joesting, Fritz (1992)
Johnson, Norman and Virginia (1978)
Johnson, Paul (1992)
Johnston, Bob (1992)
Joliet Group (Leroy Brunner, Ken and Margaret Mietz) (1991)
Jostes, John (1996)
Joyner, Ron (2007)
Kallal, Robert (1999)
Kauth, Beryl (1996)
Keller, Phil (2006)
Kelso, Richard (1993)
Kember, Dale (2001)
Keyt, Bill (2009)
Knapheide, Harold III (1997)
Koehler, Dick (2005)
Kolder, James (2003)
Krapf, Ron (1999)
Kurth, Ken and Lois (1992)
Kurth, Warren and Connie (1996)
Kurth, William and Phyllis (1994)
Lagow, Del and Carol (1997)
Laity, Jim (1992)
Landon, Francis and Louell (1976)
Laughlin, Lynn (2008)
Lawrence, George and Babe (1993)
Layne, Linda (2004)
Leary, Glenn (1999)
Leinicke, Ralph (1997)
Leseure, Irene and Diane (1993)
Lewis, John (2006)
Lohr, Charles and Helen (1992)
Loos, Larry (2009)
Lopez, Joe (2004)
Lord, Kay (1998)
Lumpp, Raymond (1999)
Macisaac, Doug and Kathie (1981)
Madison, Al (2006)
Maher, RIchard (2003)
Malaker, Larry (2006)
Maurer, John (1994)
May, Dr. Edward (2003)
McBride, Joe (2003)
McCann, Kevin (2007)
McCormack, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet (1994)
McCullough, Glen (1997)
McGraw, Dave (1999)
McGraw, Rick and Dona (2007)
McInnis, Russ (1993)
McKean, Leonard (2004)
McKenzie, Robert (1997)
McMahon, Adron (2006)
McMillen, Merrill (2005)
Meeker, Loren (2009)
Mefford, Art (1992)
Menkhaus, Fred (2007)
Meyer, Gevert (2007)
Mietz, Ken and Margaret (1991)
Miller, Dorothy (1997)
Miller, George and Nina (1981)
Miller, William (1999)
Mitts, Steve and Sharon (2006)
Moeckel, Bob (1993)
Moore, Donald (1993)
Morrisey, John (2003)
Motsinger, Virgil (1997)
Motzer, Bill (2004)
Mueller, Norman (1999)
Murphy, Robert and Marian (1982)
Murray, Tony (2005)
Muselman, Dick (1997)
Natsis, Pete (1993)
Nease, Bert and Donna (1997)
Nelson, Floyd (1998)
Newton, Bob III (2009)
Newton, Joe (2007)
Nichols, Jack (1992)
Noble, Terry (1993)
O’Brien, Marilyn (2005)
Olympia Fields Group (Kurth, Kloss, Proulzx, Pettengell) (1992)
O’Rourke, Jim and Marty (1997)
Osborn, Clyde (1994)
Ostrom, Bob and Romelle (2002)
Ott, Bob (1998)
Pannebaker, Max (1993)
Park, Clair (1993)
Pearce, Rick (1999)
Pelletier, Floy and Helen (1995)
Pitman, Ross and Dorothy (1989)
Poorbaugh, Sherrilyn (1997)
Powers, Dr. Richard (1999)
Presslak, Rudy (2003)
Prince, Darrell (1994)
Proehl, Annabelle (1996)
Raguse, Roland (1991)
Rankin, Roger (2007)
Rausch, Emil and Dorothy (1990)
Reed, Clint (2008)
Reilly, John (2009)
Rhea, Bob (2003)
Rice, Judith (1998)
Rolinski, Anita (2016)
Romanek, Howard (2007)
Rose, James Harley (1991)
Rouse, Dan (1996)
Rucker, Tom (2007)
Rzepiela, Ron (1997)
Samms, Bob (1998)
Sampson, Lowell (1994)
Sanders, James and Nola (1993)
Sarff, Milford and Bernadine (1996)
Saurs, Bruce (1993)
Sauter, John (2006)
Sawosko, Walt (1998)
Schairer, Don (1997)
Schilling, Ron (2003)
Schmidt, Sr. Jean Dolores (2018)
Schoof, George (1998)
Schroen, Ron (2007)
Schuette, Ed and Jean (2003)
Schuttler, Michael (1999)
Schwab, Clarence (1994)
Scott, Paul (1998)
Seiverling, Willis (2008)
Shaw, Steve (2008)
Shinkevich, Mick (1996)
Showalter, Frank and Dortha (1986)
Shuster, Ed (1992)
Sievers, Art (1997)
Simmons, John William (1994)
Siracusa, Frank (1997)
Skjoldager, Allen (1994)
Slivosky, Robert (1996)
Small, Tina (1999)
Smargiassi, Donald (2004)
Smiley, Daryl (1996)
Smith, Claus and Berneda (1988)
Smith, Don (1993)
Smith, Irv (2004)
Smith, Kent (2004)
Smith, Lavisse (1998)
Snyder, Lyle (1992)
(Soehlke) Lauenstein, Stacey (2023)
Spackman, Robert (1994)
Spear, George (1992)
Spenny, Bill (2008)
Sprowls, Bob (1994)
St. John, Dave (2005)
Stancy, Walt (2005)
Stewart, Mary (2005)
Stirrett, Dike (2005)
Stockbar, John and Lillian (1977)
Striedl, George (1994)
Striedl, Max Sr. (1992)
Stritzel, Gary (2004)
Stuckemeyer, Raymond (2005)
Sunderland, Judy (1991)
Sunderland, Ken (2004)
Sur, Mary (1996)
Taylor, Richard (1999)
Thornton, Craig (1993)
Tipsword, Bob and Winnie (2012)
Tuttle, Roger (2006)
Vais, Henry and Marie (1994)
Vernay, Colby (2003)
Wagahoff, Rick (2006)
Wendland, Paul & Marilyn (1990)
White, Dale (1999)
White, Ray (1993)
Wittmer, Russ (2008)